Bollywood Copyright

Lee Hadden writes “The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article about international
copyright issues. See the June 16, 2003 issue for: “Author Fights Tactics
Of ‘Bollywood’ Studios” By JOANNA SLATER
BOMBAY — When British author Barbara Taylor Bradford suddenly
started getting mail from fans in India this spring, she was perplexed. One
admirer was thrilled that Ms. Bradford’s best-selling novel, “A Woman of
Substance,” would soon be on the air in India — as a 262-part television
series. That was news to the author, who hadn’t given permission for any
such project.
Now, Ms. Bradford is determined to stop India’s entertainment
industry, called Bollywood, from making money off her ideas. “I created
these things, someone else didn’t,” she says. “It’s not fair.”
Ms. Bradford’s decision to fight copyright infringement in Indian
courts is sending chills through Bollywood, which has a habit of borrowing