This Week in LibraryBlogLand
Week ending 30 October 2005
After reading about Liz Lawley’s keynote speech at Internet Librarian 2005, Steve Matthews (Vancouver Law Librarian Blog) wrote about folksonomies and tagging.
Laura at RFID in Libraries wonders about the cost of RFID tagging library CDs and DVDs.
Ryan Eby (libdev) is starting to see the potential in OpenWorldCat now that he’s seen the BBC Audio Annotation project. Lorcan Dempsey comments.
Rebecca Hedreen (Frequently Answered Questions) writes about using bookmarking services for organizing citations.
Paul Miller wrote an article for Ariadne Magazine about Web 2.0 and libraries. Michael Casey (LibraryCrunch) tries for a definition of Library 1.0. Richard Akerman (Science Library Pad) writes about the object-oriented web.
David Rothman (TeleRead) points to several blog posts about OpenLibrary.
Greg Schwartz (Open Stacks) posted his Podcasting Cybertour) (mp3 and powerpoint). Stephen Francoeur (Digital Reference) posted a demo of his library’s reference desk wiki and online tutorials. Phil Bradley has put together a page of utilities that help you do stuff you want to.
Meanwhile, the Krafty Librarian writes about the frustrations of hospital libraries that “want to provide great service but are handcuffed within our own hospital’s IT departments.”
Steve Lawson (See Also) writes about what is lost when text is digitized.
Jack Stephens (Conservator) points to a July article about the National Archives and the “pending ‘tsunami’ of digital records.”
Blogging: Elizabeth Lane Lawley (mamamusings) muses about being a corporate research blogger and comments re Collin Brooke’s post about academia and blogging practices. Michael Stephens (Tame the Web) points to Steven Bell’s article about academic library blogs. Laura Crossett (lis.dom) muses on the uses of the biblioblogosphere. Meredith Farkas (Information Wants To Be Free) responds. Phil Bradley is trying to put together a list of British librarians who are blogging.
Rochelle Mazar (Random Access Mazar) takes up the “if you could change only one thing” challenge.
Heidi Dolamore (quiddle) writes about mentors and how to do well in job interviews. After reading “Don’t Discredit My Online Degree,” luzclarita wonders about positive/negative reactions from employers or co-workers to online degrees.
Michael Casey (LibraryCrunch) examines the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library controversy.
The Krafty Librarian points to a study about the value of hospital libraries.
Karen G. Schneider (Free Range Librarian) writes about ALA and political resolutions. Response from Jane (A Wandering Eyre).
Mark Lindner the thoughts are broken) would like to start a monthly online journal-article discussion group.
T. Scott comments re scholarly society publishers’ “offer to NIH to set up a system of direct links from PubMed to the articles in the journals that they publish.”
Phil Bradley points to a CILIP legal opinion paper re police access to library records (England and Wales).
Mary Minow (LibraryLaw Blog) notes that the Copyright Office is requesting comments re “controversial law that makes it criminal to tamper with DMCA.” And what about the library exception that is in the law?
eternitat, on the Livejournal libraries, wonders, Is an LIS Ph.D. worth it? Amanda Robertson (Data Obsessed) responds.
Follow-up: Steven Bell (ACRLog) responds to Paul Gandel’s “Libraries: Standing at the wrong platform waiting for the wrong train.” More from Dorothea Salo (Caveat Lector), Blake (, and Greg McClay (SHUSH).
Follow-up: The Krafty Librarian and Dave Hook (Industrial Librarian) comment on Jakob Nielsen’s “Top Ten Weblog Design Mistakes of 2005.”
(conference notes and presentations are below the cut)
This Week in LibraryBlogLand
Week ending 30 October 2005
After reading about Liz Lawley’s keynote speech at Internet Librarian 2005, Steve Matthews (Vancouver Law Librarian Blog) wrote about folksonomies and tagging.
Laura at RFID in Libraries wonders about the cost of RFID tagging library CDs and DVDs.
Ryan Eby (libdev) is starting to see the potential in OpenWorldCat now that he’s seen the BBC Audio Annotation project. Lorcan Dempsey comments.
Rebecca Hedreen (Frequently Answered Questions) writes about using bookmarking services for organizing citations.
Paul Miller wrote an article for Ariadne Magazine about Web 2.0 and libraries. Michael Casey (LibraryCrunch) tries for a definition of Library 1.0. Richard Akerman (Science Library Pad) writes about the object-oriented web.
David Rothman (TeleRead) points to several blog posts about OpenLibrary.
Greg Schwartz (Open Stacks) posted his Podcasting Cybertour) (mp3 and powerpoint). Stephen Francoeur (Digital Reference) posted a demo of his library’s reference desk wiki and online tutorials. Phil Bradley has put together a page of utilities that help you do stuff you want to.
Meanwhile, the Krafty Librarian writes about the frustrations of hospital libraries that “want to provide great service but are handcuffed within our own hospital’s IT departments.”
Steve Lawson (See Also) writes about what is lost when text is digitized.
Jack Stephens (Conservator) points to a July article about the National Archives and the “pending ‘tsunami’ of digital records.”
Blogging: Elizabeth Lane Lawley (mamamusings) muses about being a corporate research blogger and comments re Collin Brooke’s post about academia and blogging practices. Michael Stephens (Tame the Web) points to Steven Bell’s article about academic library blogs. Laura Crossett (lis.dom) muses on the uses of the biblioblogosphere. Meredith Farkas (Information Wants To Be Free) responds. Phil Bradley is trying to put together a list of British librarians who are blogging.
Rochelle Mazar (Random Access Mazar) takes up the “if you could change only one thing” challenge.
Heidi Dolamore (quiddle) writes about mentors and how to do well in job interviews. After reading “Don’t Discredit My Online Degree,” luzclarita wonders about positive/negative reactions from employers or co-workers to online degrees.
Michael Casey (LibraryCrunch) examines the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library controversy.
The Krafty Librarian points to a study about the value of hospital libraries.
Karen G. Schneider (Free Range Librarian) writes about ALA and political resolutions. Response from Jane (A Wandering Eyre).
Mark Lindner the thoughts are broken) would like to start a monthly online journal-article discussion group.
T. Scott comments re scholarly society publishers’ “offer to NIH to set up a system of direct links from PubMed to the articles in the journals that they publish.”
Phil Bradley points to a CILIP legal opinion paper re police access to library records (England and Wales).
Mary Minow (LibraryLaw Blog) notes that the Copyright Office is requesting comments re “controversial law that makes it criminal to tamper with DMCA.” And what about the library exception that is in the law?
eternitat, on the Livejournal libraries, wonders, Is an LIS Ph.D. worth it? Amanda Robertson (Data Obsessed) responds.
Follow-up: Steven Bell (ACRLog) responds to Paul Gandel’s “Libraries: Standing at the wrong platform waiting for the wrong train.” More from Dorothea Salo (Caveat Lector), Blake (, and Greg McClay (SHUSH).
Follow-up: The Krafty Librarian and Dave Hook (Industrial Librarian) comment on Jakob Nielsen’s “Top Ten Weblog Design Mistakes of 2005.”
(conference notes and presentations are below the cut)CONFERENCE NOTES AND PRESENTATIONS
[in the case of multiple posts in a blog, link points to the earliest post]
About conferences: After covering several conferences, Richard Akerman (Science Library Pad) writes about what is needed to make successful conference blogs and wikis. Humor: Usability of reception sandwiches.
Quarantine the Plagiarism Plague: Collaborative Consciousness Raising (pdf): Short report from Mark Meola (ACRLog)).
Internet Librarian 2005: presentation links; notes, reports, photos, etc., at InfoToday Blog; and from Chris Jowaisas (TechnoBiblio); Sarah Houghton (LibrarianInBlack); Jane Dysart (Dysart & Jones); Michael Sauers (Travelin’ Librarian); oldjoe; David King (dave’s blog); Paul Pival (Distant Librarian); Jenny Levine (Shifted Librarian); Andrea Mercado (LibraryTechtonics); Steve Lawson (See Also); Joy Weese Moll (Wanderings of a Student Librarian); Michael Porter (Libraryman); Sherri Vokey (schwagbag); Elizabeth Lane Lawley (mamamusings); Aaron Schmidt (walking paper); Karen Coombs (Library Web Chic); Marydee Ojala (ONLINE Insider); Steven M. Cohen (Library Stuff); BlogJunction; Jessamyn West (; Karen G. Schneider (Free Range Librarian); Erica Reynolds (Queequeg’s Content Saloon); Technorati tags: IL2005, IL05, and Internet Librarian 2005. Flickr tags: IL05, and librarians with giant calculators. Internet Librarian 2005 Wiki and blog.
2005 Nevada Library Association annual conference: reports from Daniel.
Open Content Alliance inaugural event: report from InfoToday Blog and Jim Michalko (
2005 World Library and Information Conference: IFLA reports (via)
Netspeed: Geoff Harder posted the Ten Minute Madness: Social Software and Libraries presentation.
New York Library Association Conference: notes from Christopher Harris (Infomancy).
eifl Pre-Conference Workshop on Open Source Software for Libraries: brief notes from Mark Leggott (Loomware).
ASIS&T 2005: notes from Christina Pikas (Christina’s LIS Rant); Jonathan Furner (025.431: The Dewey Blog); Conference blog – wiki – message board.
OCLC Members Council: report from George Needham (It’s all good).
Missouri Library Association Conference: reports from Redhaired (Future) Librarian.
This Week in LibraryBlogLand (TWiL) appears on every Monday before noon (Central time). [Feeds]
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