The Journal of Library Innovation ( is seeking submissions for publication for its inaugural issue in January 2010.
The Journal of Library Innovation, one of the first journals devoted explicitly to innovation and creativity in libraries, is a peer reviewed, electronic journal published by the Western New York Library Resources Council. Its mission is to disseminate research and information on innovative practice in libraries of all types.
Innovation in libraries can include, but is not limited to the following:
Call for Papers
The Journal of Library Innovation is seeking submissions for publication for its inaugural issue in January 2010.
The Journal of Library Innovation, one of the first journals devoted explicitly to innovation and creativity in libraries, is a peer reviewed, electronic journal published by the Western New York Library Resources Council. Its mission is to disseminate research and information on innovative practice in libraries of all types.
Innovation in libraries can include, but is not limited to the following:
•The discovery of unmet user needs.
•The introduction of new services or the retooling of traditional services resulting in a better user experience.
•Creative collaboration between libraries, or between libraries and other types of institutions, resulting in demonstrable improvements in service to users.
•Implementing new technologies to improve and extend library service to meet user needs.
•Explorations of the future of libraries.
•Pilot testing unconventional ideas and services.
•Redefining the roles of library staff to better serve users.
•Developing processes that encourage organizational innovation.
•Reaching out to and engaging library users and non-users in new and creative ways.
•Creative library instruction and patron programming.
•Finding new ways to make library collections or library facilities more useful.
The Journal of Library Innovation publishes original research, literature reviews, commentaries, case studies, reports on innovative practices, and book, conference and product reviews.
The journal also welcomes provocative essays that will stimulate thought on the current and future role of libraries in an Internet Age.
For more information and submission guidelines visit or contact Pamela Jones, the Managing Editor, at [email protected].
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