Oswald writes \”I recently returned from an
extensive trip last week to some European countries to
obtain routine outside photographs of the national
libraries, as part of my ongoing book project to update
the 1999 Internet version of the forthcoming Book of
Library Records
I was left dumbstruck for more than half an hour when I
made my first trip to the new Bibliothèques Nationale in
south Paris, having seen
the old building in central Paris many times before.
But on the way home, I realised a new entry for the book
project will be a great idea: The most fascinating library
buildings in the world
I will naturaly want the opinions of all librarians to be
paramount, and not just mine, so I have decided to ask
librarians to give me their
vote for the most fascinating library buildings in the
world. \”
Find out how you can vote………
Oswald writes \”I recently returned from an
extensive trip last week to some European countries to
obtain routine outside photographs of the national
libraries, as part of my ongoing book project to update
the 1999 Internet version of the forthcoming Book of
Library Records
I was left dumbstruck for more than half an hour when I
made my first trip to the new Bibliothèques Nationale in
south Paris, having seen
the old building in central Paris many times before.
But on the way home, I realised a new entry for the book
project will be a great idea: The most fascinating library
buildings in the world
I will naturaly want the opinions of all librarians to be
paramount, and not just mine, so I have decided to ask
librarians to give me their
vote for the most fascinating library buildings in the
world. \”
Find out how you can vote………
\”I was not expecting what I saw at the new
Bibliothèques Nationale. It seems architectural
designs of library buildings is now just as
significant as the overall volume of books in a library:
what looks good outside, must look good inside!
But on the way home, I realised a new entry for the book
project will be a great idea: The most fascinating library
buildings in the world
I will naturaly want the opinions of all librarians to be
paramount, and not just mine, so I have decided to ask
librarians to give me their
vote for the most fascinating library buildings in the
The four new categories to vote for will be:
10 most fascinating national library buildings in the
10 most fascinating university library buildings in the
10 most fascinating public library buildings in the
10 most fascinating special library buildings in the
Please send in your vote for one or more of the four
Please vote for only ONE library building in each
category, and if possible a few sentences on why the
library building has your vote. If
possible an attached JPEG or GIF photo of the library
will be very much appreciated.
I will then make a tally of all votes received, and
calculate the 10 libraries for each category that have the
most votes.
The voting period will run till May 10th. The results of the
voting will be published in the book.
Please send in your votes now. Thanks.
Votes can be e-mailed to [email protected]
Are you travelling soon, and will be visiting a library.
Addresses for most national libraries in the world can
be found at:
Addresses for other libraries in the world can be found
Thank you very much indeed for your important votes,
and your help.
Sincere regards.
Godfrey Oswald MSc.
information scientist and author
Info Connect LIS Directory 2001 \”
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