
Da Vinci Code’s last secret: how did it succeed?

An Anonymous Patron writes Da Vinci Code’s last secret: how did it succeed? It may be the last mystery left about “The Da Vinci Code” — how did a work by a near unknown author and sneered at by some of literature’s leading lights become one of the best-selling novels of all time?
“The book challenges the familiar story of Jesus’s life but it is also challenges ideas that for a vast number of Americans are a familiar part of their faith and people enjoy toying with things that are subversive.””

Pennsylvania Libraries Excel at Facilitating Early

In a timely post, Jay writes “Several Pennsylvania Library Programs judged as conducive to early childhood learning won awards at the recently concluded Pennsylvania Library Association’s conference.


“Learning can be an amazing experience, especially for young people and their families who benefit from award-winning library programs offered throughout Pennsylvania. In the Pennsylvania Library Association’s third annual Best Practices Awards for Programming and Services to Children under the Age of Six, Their Families and Caregivers, 19 libraries won awards for exemplifying the best in fun and innovative learning experiences.”

Read the full article at:

Public libraries win awards at forum showcasing exceptional programs and speakers.”

RIAA seeks to close “the analog-hole”

MJG writes “In light of all the tangles and snags of Intellectual Property laws and DRM, UnNews has posted a mock interview with the CEO of the RIAA:

The basic problem that the RIAA has in protecting it’s property, is that after people have bought music, they can actually listen to it. So far we’ve made some very successful efforts to protect our property from our customers. However, even if we stop people from copying our property digitally, they will always be able hear it, and thus to reproduce it through analog means.

Like putting a taperecorder and a microphone next to the speaker?

Right, or by memorizing a song, and singing it to a friend who hasn’t purchased the listening rights to the song. That poses a real problem for musical artists. If everybody can just sing the songs to each other, no one will ever pay for the music. That’s the problem in a nutshell. Every user has it’s analog hole – or a-hole as we’ve come to refer to it – and it’s that hole that the RIAA is determined to seal. It’s our intention to plug customer’s a-holes.

For your collective viewing pleasure.”

New FGI Discussions: Februrary 13, 2006

Daniel writes “Both the volunteers at Free Government Information ( and Michele McGinnis, FGI’s guest blogger for February posted new stories this week.

We hope you will join us and add to the conversation. Remember, you can always comment without registering.

Michele’s Posts:

Regular Volunteer postings

If you use Bloglines ( or some other RSS Reader, consider subscribing to the FGI Feed at to get FGI stories as they are posted.

Although the the FDSys blog makes no reference to it, a set of “Handouts received by Industry Day Attendees and Questions and Answers” was posted to the main FDSys web site in the past week.”

School libraries in trouble?

Texas academic librarian writes to share this story from the Houston Chronicle, “Choosing sports over libraries is only one battle brewing under Gov. Perry’s 65% spending directive”

“Standard & Poor’s school evaluation services is nonpartisan and designed to help policymakers, educators and parents understand relationships between achievement and investment. In addition to Texas, the study looked at Minnesota, Ohio, Louisiana, Kentucky, Florida, Kansas, Arizona and Colorado, among a number of states considering a 65 percent rule. The study concluded that while the data do not support mandating a minimum instructional spending threshold, monitoring the percentage districts allocate to instruction can be a useful benchmark.”

Registry of U.S. Gov’t Publication Digitization

Daniel writes to share this information from Free Government Information about the Registry of U.S. Government Publication Digitization Projects.

“Currently the registry only contains entries for publications being digitized by GPO, but we should soon start to see other entries. I think this will well be worth keeping an eye on and thank GPO for putting it together. Hopefully it will become one more tool for libraries to show their value.”

Wikipedia and the future

gsandler writes Here is an Infoworld story about the recent history of Wikipedia and its possible future. "By the time you read this column, Wikipedia will be celebrating its fifth anniversary. It’s been a wilder ride than anybody could have imagined, and it’s gotten even more so lately. In a widely cited incident, John Seigenthaler, Sr., a prominent journalist, publisher, and political figure, reacted with justifiable horror when he learned that his bio entry in Wikipedia falsely implicated him in the assassination of Robert Kennedy."”