Library of Congress Passes on ALA Conference

I\’m not sure how old this announcement actually is, but I just received the tip via email this morning that the LOC has announced that it will not be at the ALA convention in Toronto. They have established an \”LC at ALA\” website, for information on meetings and other activities of staff who will be attending ALA. The following is from their web site…
LC Exhibit Booth Cancelled

The Library of Congress regrets that it will not have an exhibit booth at the 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto. We look forward eagerly to full participation in the Midwinter 2004 exhibition in San Diego. To the members of the American Library Association and the Canadian Library Associations, and to all our fellow exhibitors, we wish you an enjoyable and productive conference.
The Library of Congress regrets that it will not be represented at the Placement Center at the ALA annual 2003 conference in Toronto. We look forward eagerly to full participation in the midwinter 2004 exhibition in San Diego.
Visit the LC@ALA web site Here.