is reporting that the U.S. Register of Copyrights is planning on endorsing the Induce Act Thursday. Also, here’s a previous LISNEWS story about the Induce Act.
The endorsement of the nonpartisan Copyright Office complicates what is shaping up to be yet another high-stakes tussle over copyright between hardware firms and e-commerce companies, which worry about legal liability if their products are used for copyright violations, and large copyright holders who fret about rampant copying on peer-to-peer networks. The Induce Act says “whoever intentionally induces any violation” of copyright law would be legally liable for those violations.
In an opinion article for the Wall Street Journal published Wednesday, Les Vadasz, who retired last year as an Intel executive vice president, denounced the Induce Act as having a wealth of undesirable side effects. “The chilling effect that a law like this would have on innovation cannot be underestimated,” Vadasz said.
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