WORKSHOP: The Beginners Guide to Weblogs and RSS

hope writes Steven Cohen will be teaching an online workshop about Weblogs and RSS.

Workshop Description:
This hands-on training will explore a few of the numerous software tools that are currently being used to both publish to weblogs as well as read content via RSS. During this online workshop, the attendees will have the opportunity to post/publish to a weblog, explore the features available with the software, as well as examine content via a news aggregator. A introductory discussion of weblogs and RSS will be undertaken before participants dive into the training. If you have ever thought about creating your own weblog or utilizing an aggregator to read news but have been a bit skeptical then this training session is for you. This workshop will be a hands-on exploration of the use of weblogs and RSS primarily for professional goals. While, anyone is welcome to attend, the workshop will be taught in the context of how this can benefit the information professional and librarian. Please come with your enthusiasm, ideas, and questions. Because the workshop is online, participants can work for any Internet ready computer.

To learn more about the workshop:

That’s Steven M. Cohen.