For sale: binned images of Churchill

Charles Davis writes “from
The Guardian:

Every politician can expect to be consigned to history’s metaphorical rubbish bin one day, but Winston Churchill probably didn’t
expect to end up in a real one quite so soon.

Still, it may come as some consolation to the family to know that a rare Churchill photo album found in an east London skip 20
years ago is expected to fetch up to £10,000 at auction next week.

“They’re like hen’s teeth,” said Chris Albury, an expert at Dominic Winter Book Auctions, the Swindon firm handling the sale. “Most
images of Churchill are of wartime with his cigar, so pictures from this date are more unusual and very desirable. I’ve never seen so
many such good pictures of the younger Winston Churchill.”

Museums and private collectors are expected to be among the bidders at the auction on March 3″