The BBC Rewrites classic texts in txt

The BBC has a Story on a 13-year-old Scottish girl handed in an essay written in text message shorthand. She explained to her flabbergasted teacher that it was easier than standard English.

So they wondered, Could txt take over more of our expression because addicts simply find it easier than normal writing? And could this mean the liberation of our use of language?

The Lord’s Prayer, for instance, could be thought of as somewhat stuffy even in its updated version. “dad@hvn, ur spshl. we want wot u want &urth2b like hvn. giv us food & 4giv r sins lyk we 4giv uvaz. don’t test us! save us! bcos we kno ur boss, ur tuf & ur cool 4 eva! ok?”

“4scr + 7a ugo r 4fthrs brt 4th on this cn10nt a nu nAshn cnCvd in lbRT + ddc8d 2 th prop tht (evRE1) r crE8d = “, is much easier than, “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”