Re-Thinking the Idea of Free Libraries

Reader Commentary at The Berkeley Daily Planet

Re-Thinking the Idea of Free Libraries

I read Barbara Gilbert’s commentary (Sept. 11) with great interest and I second her opinions wholeheartedly.

I would like to expand on Ms. Gilbert’s comments specifically with respect to the Library Bond measure FF. I concluded some years ago that the public libraries should to a significant degree, become user-funded, as are so other many city, county and state services. While the city has managed to spin off much of the library budget from the city core budget onto the property taxpayers, the actual users of libraries get off scot free, which is most irritating, especially in view of the fact that “half of the library usage is by non-Berkeley residents.”

The concept of free public libraries once made sense as a means to help achieve general literacy and provide information to a wide spectrum of citizens (of course that information was mostly ink on paper a century ago.) However, since the days of Andrew Carnegie, the need for free public libraries to promote literacy has greatly diminished.

Full commentary here.