No, seriously: just who is it that’s nuts?

Fang-Face writes John Brand, a YellowTimes columnist, has a very interesting analysis of paranoia as it pertains to regarding the Bush adminstration. He essentially asks the question: are we the ones who are paranoid, or is it really the gubmint and are we getting it from them? What is truly telling, however, is what writes about a new law being proposed.

Then just a couple of days ago, I received a message dealing with certain federal funds granted to some universities. The gist of the matter boils down to the fact that some professors are accused of teaching subject matters inimical of America’s foreign policy. Some government officials consider this criticism to be a highly undemocratic activity. To eliminate the unpatriotic scum, it is proposed to establish a federal board that would control what may or may not be taught. The proposed legislation is H.R. 3077. The board would consist of members from Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the National Security Agency.

Why do I get the feeling that Big Brother is getting closer and closer?