Aereo’s TV Streaming Service Is Illegal, Supreme Court Says
Aereo, the company that lets subscribers watch TV stations’ video that it routes onto the Internet, violates U.S. copyright law, the Supreme Court has ruled. The court’s 6-3 decision reverses a lower court on what has been a hotly contested issue.
‘Unlike video-on-demand services, Aereo does not provide a prearranged assortment of movies and television shows,” Scalia wrote. “Rather, it assigns each subscriber an antenna that — like a library card — can be used to obtain whatever broadcasts are freely available.”
Full story here.
What Aereo’s Supreme Court Ruling Means for New Tech
What Aereo’s Supreme Court Ruling Means for New Tech
The Supreme Court sides with the big television networks and rules that Barry Diller’s start-up Aereo violates existing copyright law. Christopher Sprigman, a professor at New York University School of Law, joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero to discuss.