Pippert concludes, “It might ultimately be a human problem to solve: capture content from others mindfully and use it thoughtfully, with good communication. Let others know you’re using the content and make sure you are clear to friends your preference about your content being redistributed.”
This is yet another reminder that anything you say anywhere on the web, private or not, is always subject to being shared via third party apps, screenshots, or good old fashioned copy and paste, so never say something online that you wouldn’t say in public, because there really is no such thing as privacy, which is sad and unacceptable, but true.
The conclusion is totally accurate
but the title really needs to be Storify makes it easy for friends to publish your private status updates.
Everyone knows that if you put something up anyone can always copy it, look at Zuckerberg’s sister and their family photo. That was shared by a friend. If someone wants to share something they can see they can.