Call for reflections on ALA Mid-Winter

The week is now coming to a close and folks are returning from ALA Mid-Winter. What was good? What were your most memorable moments?

I am curious about this as I was not able to leave Las Vegas for Philadelphia. I am also interested in learning if there was any new action in the matter of the situation in Cuba. The aftermath of an event like Mid-Winter can sometimes have results that do not get known as “news”.

Reflections from attendees can be received until 1700 PST Saturday at [email protected]. I cannot guarantee any particular e-mail will be read in the program. The production team will review e-mails received, though, as the season finale is put together.

Please also complete our listener demographics survey found on SurveyMonkey.

As it seems lately to always pop up, clicking this button may be useful if you want to contribute to help LISTen make a great finish to its trial season: