Wordlust of the day

Mark Peters writes Wordlust of the day will indeed be updated every day or very nearly. So far I’ve covered great words like “squeegee,� “phlegm,� “bootylicious,� “spokes-fembot,� “Bible,� and “bongo.� Future words may include “palooka,� “wazoo,� “hamster-kissing,� “puppycide,� “bridezilla,� “creepy-uncle-y,� and “balderdash.� It’s a big language!

I hope you’ll read the blog, and if you have the chance, please comment on it too.
Today’s word of the day is “bongo,” not because of any inherent greatness in the word or musical instrument, but because of a truly amazing book that tells many a tale of woe, weirdos and bongos: The Police Log by Kevin L. Hoover.”