What You Can Do To Support School Libraries In Crisis

Carl Harvey II writes in In today’s Huffington Post:

As the leader of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and an educator, I am struck by the lack of support for school libraries from federal and local governments. Do decision makers fully realize how their lack of support will hinder the education of America’s next generation? Due to the lack of funding for school libraries, students are at risk of not having some of the most critical 21st century skills needed to compete in the global marketplace.

There is a common misconception that technology replaces school libraries and school librarians. Rather, in reality the explosion of technology and information access makes having full-time access to a state certified school librarian and school library program even more critical for today’s learners. There is an entire new skill set today’s students will need as they enter the workplace, and school librarians are the leaders in helping teach these skills to students.