Waiving Late Fees during Nat’l Library Week

search engine web writes

    Some libraries in the US and its territories have begun a FEE-WAIVING campaign during National Library Week to give patrons who might never return their late merchandise, amnesty.

Some are asking for a donation of canned goods or nonperishable food instead of fines

(I assume those are for local pantries, and not underpaid library workers–rh).

  Here are a few fee-amnesty stories from around the globe:

http://www.guampdn.com/news/stories/20040411/local news/210744.html

http://www.edailynews.info/articles/2004/04/16/new s/news13.txt

http://www.dailylocal.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=112 92336&BRD=1671&PAG=461&dept_id=17782&rfi=6