Update on Bookmobile Concept

Steven Bell writes \”I came across this in an Educause e-news report. Therefore I don\’t have a URL for the orginal report from Wireless Newsfactor. Thought you might be interested though.

The Community College Foundation of California promotes
technology awareness in poor urban areas with eBuses. An eBus
is a mobile computer lab with workstations and a satellite
linkup that travels through underprivileged neighborhoods,
offering computer training and Web access services.

\”We can just park the bus and people come right
up, We\’ll park in front of a library, do some
training, and then show people that the same technology is
available inside that library.\”

(Wireless Newsfactor, 23 August 2001)\”

They have a nice WebSite and the buses even have WebCams. I think we ran something on this already, but it\’s neat stuff.