Touchdown at the Library

From the website of Jamie Ford, author of The Hotel On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.

“Where were you on Superbowl Sunday? I was at…the Seattle Central Library. Yes, months ago I agreed to an event on February 6th, not realizing I was going to end up head-to-head with that abstract pseudo-holiday dedicated to taped-knuckles and million-dollar commercials, with its 5-hour pregame show, and the copious consumption of hot-wings and guacamole.

At first I feared it’d be one of those sparsely attended affairs—just me, the janitor, and a few of our closest friends. But to my surprise (and rapt delight) nearly 150 people showed up, not counting the hundreds of others just gettin’ their library on, on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

All I can say is, God bless a literate America.”