“This Book is Overdue” Getting Tons of Ink—USA Today & New Yorker

“WESTMINSTER, Md. — Bryan Hissong is 31, happily married, and the father of a 2-year-old named Olivia. He seems quite content with his life.

But Marilyn Johnson, who is not his wife, loves him and has said so very publicly. It doesn’t matter that she has never met him. Hissong is a librarian.

He doesn’t look like the clichéd librarian of old. He favors plaid shirts and is sporting a beard on his babyface — but that doesn’t matter to Johnson, either. She’s well aware that librarians wear many disguises these days. Often they’re pierced, tattooed, punk with bright blue hair. She loves them all.

Who knew librarians had become so … cool?” asks USA Today (we did).

Johnson does an interview with Jon Michaud in this week’s New Yorker blog. Here’s a snippet:

Ever think of becoming a librarian yourself?

I worked as a page at my local library when I was in high school. I earned 95 cents an hour. After a year, I asked for a raise; I wanted to earn a dollar an hour. They turned me down, so I quit. And that was the end of my library career. I’m really sorry now I played hardball over a nickel. I’m never more at home than when I’m in a library.

How nice to have the reading public recognize the intrinsic value of your profession and the many marvelous examples of librarianship at work.