The way we live now

An Anonymous Patron suggested this story in the Economist.
Title: The Way We Live Now – The perils of literary realism in the United States

FOR years, Tom Wolfe has been lambasting America’s literary establishment for ignoring the best story around—their own country. America positively pullulates with fantastic stories. And yet its writers, ensconced in their Manhattan lofts and writer-in-residence residences, can’t be bothered to look further than the ends of their noses. “At this weak, pale, tabescent moment in the history of American literature,”Mr Wolfe wrote in one of his manifestos on behalf of literary realism, “we need a battalion, a brigade, of Zolas to head out into this wild, bizarre, unpredictable, hog-stomping, Baroque country of ours and reclaim it as literary property.” Story continued here.