The PATRIOT Roundup

Pat M. Holt’s CSMonitor Column takes quite a swipe at Attorney General John Ashcroft, saying he’s running a dead heat with A. Mitchell Palmer, attorney general in the Wilson administration, for the distinction of being the worst in that job in the history of the United States.

In Chicago Warning of civil liberties abuses similar to those that preceded the Holocaust, the City Council on Wednesday approved a watered-down resolution urging repeal of portions of the USA Patriot Act. More Here. has this on the “Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act.”

Meanwhile, new rules that require banks and other financial institutions to gather more detailed information on their clients to prove their identities and make sure they’re not on any government watch list, starting yesterday. The task is estimated to cost some small banks as much as 20 percent of profits and is time-consuming, according to experts and local bankers who use documents from tax returns to utility bills.
More Here.