The Advocate reports on the case of Diane Schroer, who was initially offered a position at the Library of Congress, and later had the offer rescinded when it was discovered that she would be undergoing a sex change operation.
The ACLU has been handling the case, which was originally reported by LISNews last April.
some report
yup, sure a whole lot of information there.
1. I don’t care how impressive your resume is, if you go through what are very intense operations to radically alter your physical appearance including the mutilation of your genitals then you have serious psychological issues.
2. If your a man who attempts to have sex with other men by pretending to be a woman you do not deserve to be murdered if found out. You do deserve whatever beating you get just for being that incredibly stupid.
Re:some report
1. Transgender people don’t necessarily have surgery – of any kind.
2. If someone is approved for surgery they have been required to go through a course of counseling to insure they don’t have serious psychogical issues. As attested to by two licensed professionals. Indeed even national security agencies – including the CIA – consider someone who has gone through such treatment to have resolved what issues they may have had and they retain their security clearances.
3. Women with a history of transsexualism are not pretending to be women. Nor are men with a history of transsexualism pretending to be men.
4. Why so limiting on someone’s attractions? Transsexual men & women can be either straight, lgay or bisexual. Just like everyone else.
5. Men who lie to women about the size of their attributes, their religion, their ethnicity, their jobs, the money they make or their sexual history don’t deserve to be murdered if found out. You do deserve whatever beating you get just for being that incredibly stupid?
6. Though I’d be suprised if you were at any great risk of seduction – you can never be sure you haven’t already dated a transsexual women. Pleasant dreams.
Re:some report
Touche’! Well said.
Re:some report
Speaking of stupid, Greggy – have you looked in a mirror lately?
Re:some report
1. Transgender people don’t necessarily have surgery – of any kind.
The person in question did.
2. If someone is approved for surgery they have been required to go through a course of counseling to insure they don’t have serious psychogical issues. As attested to by two licensed professionals. Indeed even national security agencies – including the CIA – consider someone who has gone through such treatment to have resolved what issues they may have had and they retain their security clearances.
Johns Hopkins no longer does such operations because of the mental health issue and they were the first to do them in this country. That the CIA is okay with such operations does little to inspire.
3. Women with a history of transsexualism are not pretending to be women. Nor are men with a history of transsexualism pretending to be men.
Men with a history of transsexualism are pretending to be women. And women with a history of transsexualism are pretending to be men. Gender is a scientific fact not wishful thinking. And we are not at a point where a person’s DNA can be rewritten.
4. Why so limiting on someone’s attractions? Transsexual men & women can be either straight, lgay or bisexual. Just like everyone else.
No doubt. See #6.
5. Men who lie to women about the size of their attributes, their religion, their ethnicity, their jobs, the money they make or their sexual history don’t deserve to be murdered if found out. You do deserve whatever beating you get just for being that incredibly stupid?
Men or women who sleep with someone simply because of excessive attributes are shallow and if they are disappointed in said attributes that is their problem. Men or women who sleep with someone simply because of excessive bank accounts or jobs creating said accounts are prostitutes and disappointment in said accounts is their problem. Men or women who sleep with someone solely because of their ethnicity are bigots and disappointment in said skin color is, again, their problem. See #6
6. Though I’d be suprised if you were at any great risk of seduction – you can never be sure you haven’t already dated a transsexual women. Pleasant dreams.
The crux of all of this is that apparently its okay to lie about what sex you are to a person you might be going out with. I consider it a mental rape and something that only a very sick person would do. However I am enjoying how quickly liberals are willing to throw out concepts of truth and honesty when it suits them.
Re:some report
2. #Johns Hopkins [] no longer does such operations because of the mental health issue and they were the first to do them in this country. That the CIA is okay with such operations does little to inspire.
*a. John Hopkins continued to provide medical treatment including hormonal therapy when the person you quote (Dr. McHugh) took charge and sought to impose his religious views upon treatment. They still made referrals to other providers for surgery. (1.)
b. One of the arguments used for that decision was a 1978 study done at Hopkins by a cohort of McHughs (Meyer) . (2. ) This study was never able to replicated and has been widely criticized for its methodology – some going so far as to call it fraudulent. (1. & 3.) An example of its highly questionable methodology – if a transsexual women ended up in a relationship with a women, that person received a negative outcome assessment equal to if she had ended up in prison.
c. The professional and ethical judgment of the person you choose to quote could use some context. The conservative Washington Times authors Judith Reiser and Dennis Jarrard point out his lapses on both these counts in their quote below where he justifies his unit at Hopkins refusing to comply with legal and ethical reporting requirements regarding pedophiles.
The number of children placed at risk by those actions remains a very large concern. That Pres. Bush chose to appoint a person with such concerns regarding his professional and ethical judgment to the council that provides the White House advice of bioethical decisions is equally troubling. (4. – extended quote below)
3. #Men with a history of transsexualism are pretending to be women. And women with a history of transsexualism are pretending to be men. Gender is a scientific fact not wishful thinking. And we are not at a point where a person’s DNA can be rewritten.
*a. One need not rewrite someone’s genes – studies already confirm genetics determining transsexuals and non-transsexuals sexual identification. These characteristics include brain structure autopsy and backed up by the gold standard in clinical research – twin studies. (5.) The genetics study cite and a quote from the author is included below.
5. #Men or women who sleep with someone simply because of excessive attributes are shallow and if they are disappointed in said attributes that is their problem. Men or women who sleep with someone simply because of excessive bank accounts or jobs creating said accounts are prostitutes and disappointment in said accounts is their problem. Men or women who sleep with someone solely because of their ethnicity are bigots and disappointment in said skin color is, again, their problem. See #6
*It’s really a red herring as most transsexual people are out to those in their lives. Comparable issues in non-transsexual people – say whether someone has had penis enlargement surgery, breast implants or an abortion – each of which could be highly objectionable to a partner of some backgrounds are so much more prevalent (orders of magnitude more prevalent) – and indeed – much more often kept from partners.
The question of exactly when one discloses all of the more intimate details in ones life is one which honorable people differ upon. I don’t think transsexuals need to go around with a scarlet T on their chests – and people don’t have a responsibility to disclose whether they have a history of transsexualism, penis enlargement surgery, abortion or breast implant surgery on the first date or if they have a “one night standâ€. But any relationship that becomes serious of course should progress to deeper levels of intimacy and sharing of the important parts of ones live.
Saying that people deserve a serious physical assault when they disclose any of the above information is going to delay the disclosure – not encourage it.
6. The crux of all of this is that apparently its okay to lie about what sex you are to a person you might be going out with. I consider it a mental rape and something that only a very sick person would do. However I am enjoying how quickly liberals are willing to throw out concepts of truth and honesty when it suits them.
* If we’re going to look at the veracity and honor of persons when discussing this issue and correlate it to political views – there is perhaps no example more instructive than the one you chose – Dr. McHugh.
While Catholics who find themselves dating someone who has a history of abortion, Christian Scientists who find themselves dating someone who has had penis enlargement, breast augmentation or transsexual surgeries may be upset when they are disclosed to by their partners – to call these rape is more than a bit hysterical. Any implied moral equivalence to rape is absurd. Sexual assault is a heinous crime that doesn’t need to be diminished by this association.
1. Friedemann Pfäfflin, Astrid Junge
Sex Reassignment. Thirty Years of International Follow-up Studies After Sex Reassignment Surgery: A Comprehensive Review, 1961-1991(Translated from German into American English by Roberta B. Jacobson and Alf B. Meier)
2. Meyer, J., and Reter, D. (1979). Sex reassignment. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 36: 1010-1015.
3. Fleming M, Steinman C, Bocknek G (1980), Methodological Problems in Assessing. Sex-Reassignment Surgery: A Reply to Meyer and Reter. Arch. Sex. Behav. 9: 451-456.
4. Washington Times August 21, 2002; Strange bedfellows by Judith Reisman and Dennis Jarrard
5. Dewing, P. Shi, T. Horvath, S. Vilain, E. Sexually dimorphic gene expression in mouse brain precedes gonadal differentiation. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2003; 118(1-2): 82-90.
Extended Quotation from Washington Times on Dr. McHugh:
Washington Times August 21, 2002
Strange bedfellows by Judith Reisman and Dennis Jarrard:
“If you found the clergy sex abuse scandal shocking, prepare for another jolt: the Catholic bishops are getting their “expert” advice on pedophilia from people who have covered up or even defended sex between men and children.
The bishops recently chose Dr. Paul McHugh, former chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, as chief behavioral scientist for their new clergy sex crimes review board. Yet Dr. McHugh once said Johns Hopkins’ Sexual Disorders Clinic, which treats molesters, was justified in concealing multiple incidents of child rape and fondling to police, despite a state law requiring staffers to report them.
“We did what we thought was appropriate,” said Dr. McHugh, then director of Hopkins’ Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, which oversaw the sex clinic. He agreed with his subordinate, clinic head Fred Berlin, who broke the then-new child sexual abuse law on the grounds that it might keep child molesters from seeking treatment”
Quote from Dr. Vilain of UCLA:
(“Our findings may explain why we feel male or female, regardless of our actual anatomy,” Dr. Vilain said. “These discoveries lend credence to the idea that being transgender – feeling that one has been born into the body of the wrong sex – is a state of mind.
“From previous studies, we know that transgender persons possess normal hormonal levels,” he said. “Their gender identity likely will be explained by some of the genes we discovered.”
Re:some report
If it was McHugh’s religous views that changed the procedures at Hopkins how come they’re still in place almost 30 years later? I think his judgement on child predators is horrid but I wasn’t embracing him for his moral judgement. There are many professionals in many fields who are good at their jobs but have questionable ideas elsewhere. I’m sure SRRT is filled with qualified librarians.
I have seen what it takes to turn a woman into a man and its a sad joke. Regardless of what a person ‘feels’ like it is better to deal with what they ‘are’ instead of cutting themselves into something they are not.
While Catholics who find themselves dating someone who has a history of abortion, Christian Scientists who find themselves dating someone who has had penis enlargement, breast augmentation or transsexual surgeries may be upset when they are disclosed to by their partners – to call these rape is more than a bit hysterical
Considering I only referred to what was in bold and considering this is the second time you’ve tried to distort the point, that makes you a damned liar.
Re:some report
That Little Greggy – She gets bitchy when she loses an arguement.
Re:some report
Hey – you chose McHugh as an expert – don’t blame me if your supposed expert turns out to be accused of enabling the rape of children. And let’s get this straight – His views and actions concerning pedophiles WERE his professional judgment – he was the head of a unit that treated them fer chrissakes!
Just because you wish to divorce transsexual people from the rest of humanity doesn’t mean I’ll be complicit. I did discuss transsexuals and disclosure of their intimate medical histories when dating – I also included them in the context of others with similar situations. If your arguments seem weak to you when applied to others you don’t vilify – the fault may rest more in your arguments then anywhere else.
“that makes you a damned liar.”
Yeah – well – you’re ugly and your mother never loved you.