The Evolution of the Google Print Idea

From the Christian Science Monitor via CBS News is an explanation of how and why Google devised its GOOGLE PRINT PROGRAM.

Marissa Mayer, director of consumer Web products, recalls: “We had all these cockamamie schemes for how we could get content. We thought, well, could we just buy books? But then you don’t get the old content. We thought maybe we should just buy one of every book, like from Amazon, and scan them all.”

Apparently, long before they discovered seven-figure robotic scanning equipment (not mentioned in the article) Mayer and Google co-founder Larry Page experimented with photographing every page of a book. Mayer now says: “Maybe inside of the next 10 years we’ll have all the knowledge that’s ever been published in book form available and searchable online…. It’s really a grand vision.”

…on a rather grand scale…