Taking the Brick Walkway Idea A Bit Further…

The new Union County Library in Lake Butler, Florida is asking potential donors to claim a piece of a mural to be painted in the meeting room of the new facility. The mural will represent Florida as a natural environment (before the retirees landed?). Library Director Mary Brown has divided up sections of the picture for donors to purchase. Donations are as follows:

Leaf on the tree $200, limb on the tree $500, small bird $500, small reptile $500, squirrel $500, raccoons $1,000/pair, flying egrets $1,000/pair,
large bird $1,000, bear $1,000, alligator $1,000, deer $2,000, panther $2,000, trunk of tree $5,000.
Brown said her goal is to raise $50,000 from the project. Bradford County Telegraph reports.