Superbowl Alternatives

If you’re not a football fan (let’s see how those PATRIOTS ACT…) you could always do something else besides watch the Super Bowl tonite. Folks in the Palm Beach (FL) area are offered a variety of options in this article tcpalm.comsuch as reading, going to the theater, or watching something ELSE on TV. Jean Coberly at the Blake Library in Stuart suggests curling up with a good book.

“They just did the Oscar nominations, and four of five of the films nominated for best picture are books,” Coberly said. Those are “Sea Biscuit,” “Lord of the Rings,” “Master and Commander” and “Mystic River.”

And there’s even a way to tie reading into the Super Bowl, Coberly said.

“If you’re desperate and you want to know why men are watching the game, you can read ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,’ by John Gray.”
Whatever you do, though, you might want to include nachos in your plans.