Anonymous Patron writes “If at first you don’t succeede, sue, sue again… Continuing its efforts to remove a controversial children’s book, the Miami-Dade School Board voted this afternoon to appeal a federal judge’s ruling that forced the district to keep Vamos a Cuba and 23 other titles on school library shelves.
In a 5-2 decision, with two members absent, the board said it wanted to protect the right of the district to determine the content of school libraries, rather than leave it up to a judge.
”Do we have a right to protect our children?” said board member Frank Bolaos, who joined Agustn Barrera, Perla Tabares Hantman, Ana Rivas Logan and Marta Perez in voting for the appeal. “I think we have the right and responsibility to do that.””
The Truth
Truth – the government of New Orleans and Louisiana failed and continue to fail in dealing with Katrina and her after effects. Many other cities and states have faced severe natural distasters and lived to tell the tale.
Truth – the people of New Orleans chose a culture of perpetual celebration and with it stagnation. If they continue to wish for those days gone by instead of maturing to face what’s ahead then they will never recover.
My heart goes out to them but the truth is rarely a pleasant thing.
Even the President accepts some responsibility
By continuing to insist that ALL blame falls on the shoulders of NOLA and LA, you are contradicting your party leader and our President. The President’s own review found shortcomings in the federal response:
The Republican controlled Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs were even less charitiable about the federal response.
Blaming everything on any one party is a disservice that does not prepare us for the next inevitable major disaster or terror attack.
NPR coveragey Id=5695374&ft=1&f=1003
Morning Edition, August 23, 2006 . The Miami-Dade school board seeks to ban a book on Cuba, saying its portrait of life there is overly positive. A federal judge has ordered Vamos a Cuba back on school library shelves while the district fights a lawsuit aimed at keeping
the book available.
Re:Even the President accepts some responsibility
I didn’t say anything about ‘all’ Daniel, I didn’t even mention political parties. If anything I think New Orleans probably suffers from the same kind of problem we have here in Massachusetts. As Howie Carr says, “Its not a Democrat problem, its not a Republican problem, its an *incumbent* problem.”
But the so-called ‘truth’ that McCook and Rosenzweig would have you believe is that it is all the Federal government’s fault and only government can solve the problem. I disagree. In fact whenever I think of New Orleans now I can’t help but think of the story that was posted here on LISNews a few months ago about the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco. Maybe a little less ‘truth’ is required to get her up and going again.
Does that term not occur to anyone else?
Re:Even the President accepts some responsibility
I don’t know why that shows as ‘anonymous’, but it was me, my mistake.
Re:NPR coverage
You know, the same thing could be said of the Euro-centric history books about the United States. I wonder what would happen if we gave those ultra-right wing nuts what they wanted and ordered that Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee also be taught in American high schools in the interest of “accuracy” or “fair and balanced”; along with screenings of Tora, Tora, Tora! and maybe some of the raw footage shot in Viet Nam and now from Iraq.
Re:Even the President accepts some responsibility
Considering that the Bush administration cut funding to levee maintenance to such a low level there was only enough to keep the bureaucracy open, but not enough to do any work on the levees, I’d say that the greatest proportion of negligent culpability falls on the feds.
If you want to apportion blame, then you might want to start by delineating the proportional amount of authority each level of government exercised. How much control over levee and delta maintenance did the city exercise, how much was accorded to the state, and how much was kept in the hands of the federal government?
And lastly: what person embodies the highest authority within the U.S.? Whoever is in charge is at fault under the principles of leadership.
Re:The Truth
You aren’t still running for office, are you?
Re:The Truth
far as I know I am