Significant works of art @ your library

From today’s New York Times:

Libraries are, as conventional wisdom suggests, about books rather than art objects. Nevertheless, significant works of art have found their way into many libraries, some acquired by purchase but most by donation.

A large case in point is the main building of the New York Public Library, which over the years has received an impressive array of art from important donors. But maintaining that it is not a museum, the library has from time to time put works up for sale, and recently announced that it would dispose of the cream of its art collection to raise money to buy books and manuscripts and to pep up its endowment …

Recent visits to some of these institutions reveal that while their holdings may not be in depth, they cover a wide range. Lively murals by W.P.A. artists at the public libraries, portraits by earlier American painters at two private libraries, a collage by the New York School painter Esteban Vicente at the Cooper Union, and works by New York contemporary artists at the City College of New York are among them.

Complete article (registration required).