Search Better: Go Back to the Library

Lois writes “PC Magazine’s cover story in the May 27 issue is “How to Find Anything Online,” by Sean Carroll. It contains many useful tidbits, including comparisons of search engines.

One tip in the “Search Better” section of the article should be of special interest. It’s called, “Go Back to the Library”. It reminds readers that “Library reference departments are still great sources of information, even in today’s online environment. Many of the indexes, directories, and encyclopedias you used in print have been reformatted and are available online.” It encourages them to “ask a reference librarian to help you get started, since each library’s collections and policies are unique.”

It also points out that “Anyone can put up a Web page. Library databases are created by well-known publishers and are evaluated carefully by librarians before they are purchased.” So library databases are a good source for quality information.