Sales Tax Free PC Week May Narrow Info Gap

Because New York is lagging behind the rest of the country in the number of homes with computers, ranking 34th in the nation, legislators are expected to vote on whether to accept a proposal to allow PCs to be sold tax free for one week during the month of August.

According to Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, \”Over the past decade, personal computers have become a necessity in the household and knowledge of computers and their use is now considered essential for anyone seeking to excel in an increasingly technology-based economy.\” This 8% reduction in total cost, combined with anticipated promotional offers from vendors would provide a hefty price break for many.

If passed, it is hoped that the $20 million proposal would boost computer sales as well as increase computer literacy. Included in the tax break would be desktops and laptops, printers, scanners, CD-ROM drivers and software. All items must be purchased in a single transaction along with the PC.

New York would be the second state to adopt such a strategy. Pennsylvania tried this same approach last year, causing computer sales to triple. No information is available yet on whether the measure improved the IT literacy rate in that state.