Rolling Stones’ Wyman: ‘I should have been a librarian’

For those of you under 40, Bill Wyman used to be in the Rolling Stones. For those of you under 30, The Rolling Stones are a band that was popular when your parents were your age, now you can hear them in many television commercials, or on that radio station only old people listen to. Anyways, In This Interview Bill Wyman says:

“I should have been an archaeologist, or a museum curator. Or a librarian.”

You can’t regret being in the Rolling Stones! “No,” he replies, “but I regret the times spent when I couldn’t enjoy my hobbies. They had to go on the backburner. It was a frustration.”

For those of you under 30 who are asking yourself why you should care, you shouldn’t, but anytime someone in a band that was popular 40 years ago says something, everyone your parents age will read it. The same thing will happen to you in 40 years when Eminem says he should’ve been a librarian.