RepoMMan Documents Digital Repository Experiences

MJG writes “I noticed the following message posted by project manager Richard Green to the fedora-users list this morning:

The JISC-funded RepoMMan project at the University of Hull is developing
materials and processes using the Fedora 2.0 and now 2.1 repository
software. As newcomers to the product we have had a fairly steep learning
curve (!) and thought that it might be useful to other newcomers to share
our experience.

We have today released an early draft of a project deliverable that
describes our work ‘getting going’ with Fedora in detail. This is a
work-in-progress and will be added to periodically until final publication
in the summer. It is offered, ‘as-is’ and with no support or warranty, in
the hope that it may be of use to others undertaking early work or
evaluation. …

The document in question gives a thorough view into the process of investigating, installing, and configuring a digital repository. More documents are available here