Rep. Frank Requests that Library of Congress Not Appeal Schroer Judgement

As was reported on LISNews last week, Diane Schroer, formerly David, was offered the job as a terrorism research analyst with the LOC’s Congressional Research Service but was later denied the position when she announced her plans to live as a woman. Judge Robinson ruled that the Library of Congress discriminated against Schroer.

The LOC has the opportunity now to appeal the court’s decision. Barney Frank’s (D-MA) letter was written to the Librarian of Congress, Dr. James Billington, who heads the library and initially announced its decision not to hire Schroer in 2005.

“I strongly urge you not to appeal,” wrote Frank. “I will be working with my congressional colleagues because it would be a great source of stress to us if you were to — as an institution that bears our name — appeal a decision that is plainly in the interest of fairness.” The library said that while it would not discuss the details of Frank’s letter, it was still considering its next, if any, course of action. Latest from The Hill.