Only In The Movies

Steven Bell writes \”The September 2002 issue of Men\’s Health (yes, I admit I read it – despite the silly stories – it has sound fitness advice) – takes on a librarian stereotype we don\’t get all that often. In their story \”Only In The Movies\” (things we see in the movies that never happen to guys in real life) they include that ever popular movie image of librarians. Accompanying the full page (p.150) picture of what I think is supposed to be a librarian (there are lots of books in the background)- who is in a state of disrobe – is an inset box with a picture of said librarian looking mousy as all heck – is the statement \”I\’ve never seen a plain librarian transform herself into a sexpot merely by taking off her glasses and shaking out her hair.\” The author has clearly never ventured out of a movie theatre and into a library. As a male librarian, I\’m feeling discriminated against – does the author think every librarian is a \”she\”. Female or male, we must all know plenty of colleagues who can transform themselves into sexpots by taking off their glasses and letting loose their hair buns. What I want to know is who\’s going to write the first letter to the editor of Men\’s Health to straighten out this magazine on just exactly what it is we librarian\’s are capable of doing. Sorry, this one isn\’t online – just in print. If your library doesn\’t subscribe, visit a newstand. \”