Not your average Activist Anarchist Librarians

Xavier Bullwinkle writes: There are plenty of websites extolling the virtues of anti-authoritarian radical activist librarians, but the anti-authoritarianism seems to evaporate pretty quickly when the authorities are library administrators mistreating their own employees (unless the employee is named Berman or wears a nose ring). Their activism more frequently is directed towards safer (from a career standpoint) targets like John Ashcroft, the Iraq war, and Censorship.

So it’s encouraging to see some Atlanta-Fulton County PL employees promoting a radical remedy to the sort of injustice that most “activist librarians” wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

From the AFPL Watch website comes the following:

An Appeal to Library Employees

This website frequently receives suggestions…. We received one suggestion recently that we now pass on for your consideration.

The suggestion is that staff should contact, and encourage other Fulton County taxpayers to contact, the two county commissioners who are also members of the Library Board of Trustees, asking them and their colleagues to fire Ms. Hooker at the August 27th board meeting.

Your first reaction to this suggestion might be of retaliation by Ms. Hooker should you contact a county commissioner. We remind you that communicating with elected government officials is a constitutionally protected exercise of free speech, and that retaliation for engaging in protected activity is prohibited. Frankly, it is difficult to see how retaliation could make any library employee’s situation any worse than what staff are enduring right now….