LLRX.com – Bloggers Beware: Debunking Eight Copyright Myths of the Online World

Anonymous Patron writes “Kathy Biehl has written a neat LLRX.com Piece “Bloggers Beware: Debunking Eight Copyright Myths of the Online World.” Despite all the media attention to recent lawsuits cracking down on unauthorized music downloads, these myths are still in surprisingly widespread circulation. In the past six months, otherwise educated people have asserted eight different fallacies to me as if they were law. Every one of them has the potential to lead the ill-informed into the land of copyright infringement, where even a short stay can carry a whopping price tag.

Myth #8: It’s okay to use something if I asked for permission and didn’t get a response.

Myth #7: It’s okay to use something if I can’t find the copyright holder.

Myth #6: It’s okay to use anything as long as I take it down when the copyright holder objects.

Myth #5: It’s okay to use anything as long as I include the creator’s copyright notice.

Myth #4: It’s okay to use anything as long as I give credit.

Myth #3: It’s okay to use anything as long as I’m not making any money off it.

Myth #2: It’s okay to use anything that’s online, because if it’s online, it’s in the public domain and up for grabs.

And the #1 Myth For Bloggers… is at LLRX.com!”