LibraryLookup has potential to bring Amazon browsers to your library

I am completely blown away by this. The Shifted Librarian reported recently that information mapper Jon Udell had been playing around with a tool that would search for an ISBN at one of any number of INNOPAC-based library websites. He has since greatly enhanced it, and you can now find LibraryLookup here.

The site includes links to library OPACS from all over the world, and is no longer limited to INNOPAC. What you do is find your preferred library on the list and drag the link to your toolbar. Then, whenever you are viewing an item record on,, and a number of others, you can click on the link and it will automatically take you to that item\’s record in your library, if there is one. It\’s all based on ISBN, so it can be limiting, but it\’s still one heck of a tool! Check it out!