Library gets tough on Patrons has this article about a library that has doubled its overdue fines from a nickel to a dime. Yeah, that will make them bring back the materials on time.

\”Clay County libraries are cracking down on delinquent book-returners. From a nickel to a dime per day late, the overdue book fine doubled on June 1.\” has this article about a library that has doubled its overdue fines from a nickel to a dime. Yeah, that will make them bring back the materials on time.

\”Clay County libraries are cracking down on delinquent book-returners. From a nickel to a dime per day late, the overdue book fine doubled on June 1.\”

\”The increase was approved by the County Commission two months ago, and libraries were sent notices to post informing all patrons of the change.\”

\”Arnold Weeks, director of Clay County libraries, said the libraries circulate about 500,000 books a year with 85 to 90 percent of patrons returning the books on time, a standard check-out period of about three weeks. Last year, about $30,000 was collected in overdue fines and lost materials.\”

\”The fine increase comes primarily an increase in costs to replace library books and other items, said Pat Coffman, assistant director of the Orange Park branch library. She said the five cents a day overdue fine had been in place since about the early 1980s.\”