
New library a haven for homeless

From the Seattle Post Intelligencer:

“When the new Central Library opened two years ago, many people wondered if it would simply become a more expensive homeless hangout. But today, the library is doing more to accommodate both rich and poor. There are more programs for a wider audience, from noontime lectures to children’s events to writing workshops for homeless people.”

Alice isn’t in Wonderland. She’s on eBay

Here’s one from AP:

“A rare letter penned by author Lewis Carroll in 1890 recently surfaced on the Internet auction site eBay, where the seller detailed everything from its beautiful signature to its distinctive purple ink. To a Yale University librarian, however, it all sounded a bit too familiar for comfort.”

Interactive books are popping up all over

Here’s one from the San Francisco Chronicle:

“Interactive kids want interactive books. That seems to be the thinking. Publishers have worked overtime to produce, for this gift-giving season and for all ages, many a thick tome with that special toy quality: tabs to pull, puzzle pieces to set in place and 3-D scenes to peruse. But a bit of advice for aunts, uncles, parents and even Santa himself: Fancy paper engineering is not enough. When it comes to pop-up books, look for a concept or a story that is enhanced, not overshadowed, by novelty.”

Teacher: Internet Is the Library

A sad one (on many levels) from eWeek:

“If her students couldn’t access the likes of Google or Yahoo, it would mean that they would face an informational divide. Why? The Internet serves as the school’s library. “We have to use the Internet a great deal because we don’t have a functioning school library at my school,” Johnson said.

“Should access become too much of a financial stretch for the district, her students couldn’t research projects, write papers, complete geography assignments or find information on countries around the globe.”

Woman allegedly pawned library DVDs

From the Flint Journal:

“A 41-year-old Clio woman is suspected of taking 1,500 to 1,600 DVDs from the 18-location library system and trying to pawn them at the shop. Genesee County Undersheriff James Gage said the department is seeking an arrest warrant for the woman.

“This is a new one to us,” Gage said of the alleged crime.”

State warns of lead in toys given by libraries

From The Star Press:

“State health officials today issued a consumer health alert for bendable animal toys that were given away at libraries around the state, including the Muncie Public Library, during summer reading programs in June and July.

The toys, a bendable dog and cat, were found to have 0.4 and 0.24 percent of lead. The maximum safety limit is currently 0.06 percent. They are roughly 3.75 inches in length, and are similar in shape to a lollipop.”

Judge orders library to reinstate fired Savannah librarian

From AP:

“A northwest Missouri librarian fired for refusing to work Sundays has won another round in a lawsuit claiming religious discrimination.

“A federal judge in Kansas City, Mo., last week ordered Rolling Hills Consolidated Library to reinstate Connie Rehm, who lost her job at a Savannah branch library in 2003. Federal jurors in May ruled in Rehm’s favor and awarded her nearly $54,000 in back pay.”

“Rehm had worked at the library for 12 years when it extended its hours after undergoing a renovation. All employees were told they would have to work on Sundays, but Rehm, a Lutheran, said working Sundays conflicted with her religious beliefs. Another worker quit over the Sunday shifts.”

British Library reveals its missing list

The Guardian is running an article today about a list from the British Library which includes materials that have been stolen:

“A Manchester City football programme from 1905, a Led Zeppelin CD and 17 Rolling Stones albums, including Hot Rocks and Beggars Banquet, are among 28 items confirmed as stolen from the collection in the last five years.”

UVM librarian fights USA Patriot Act

From the Burlington Free Press:

“In fall 2001, before the ink had dried on the nation’s new anti-terrorism law known as the USA Patriot Act, University of Vermont librarian Trina Magi was analyzing how the federal measure would affect the civil liberties of library patrons. The news, Magi concluded, was not good.”

Libraries have their own stories to tell

Finally, an article in a newspaper that challenges the stereotypes of librarians:

“When most people think of a library, they picture books, study tables, and magazine racks. When they think of librarians, they visualize a stern, old woman with glasses who lives alone with 50 cats.”

“But today’s libraries break this stereotype. They are fun, vibrant places with outgoing librarians who have their own stories to tell.”

These should outnumber “hair-in-bun” articles 4 to 1. If not, we are not doing our job in marketing ourselves.