Librarians For Bush/Cheney ’04

You may already be familiar with Librarians Against Bush, now won’t you please welcome Librarians for Bush, a Shush/Conservator joint production.
They say the site is in response to the Librarians Against Bush site, created by librarians in hysterics over what the Patriot Act doesn’t do or say.
Librarians For Kerry don’t seem have their own URL, and there don’t seem to be any librarians against Kerry.

A person’s right to read does not outweigh the responsibility of their actions. The Federal Government’s ability to see what a person is reading, something that existed before the Patriot Act, has been painted as an assault on readers. What it does is help establish the intent of a potential terrorist in the hopes of preventing another attack on American soil. Looking to see who has read what book is wrong and we will support any legislation that makes this law. Looking to see what book was read by a specific someone goes to intent. It can mean the difference between manslaughter and 1st degree murder, a terrorist attack or just a pleasant sunny day.