I was hoping this one had a photo with it, but sorry…you’ll have to use your imagination. It’s another one of those “I’ll do thus and such if you kids read X number of books” stories.
Report from Jackson, MS : Children’s librarian Melissa Strauss laughed, “I’m here because I want to make good on a promise at the beginning of the school year.” The promise: she would become a human popcorn ball. Before she got into the plastic pool filled with popcorn, the principal poured sticky syrup all over Strauss. Then it was time to jump in and roll around.
Why is this happening? This librarian challenged her students to read 10 million words from library books. “They read 10.5 million.”
The pure joy of this mess thrilled the students. “I love the way she dived into the pool.” “A little like something I want to do to somebody.” ” I think it was funny.” ” I love it.”
Strauss apparently picks a new ‘treat’ for the kids each year, and thus far, they haven’t let her down.
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