Librarian Sues School District

Anonymous Patron writes “If you want further information on the (AP) story about the Kansas librarian suing for $500,000, visit the website: Yes, he should have gotten written permision–too trusting after 25 years as the HS librarian. He verbally notified his building principal and the district library chairperson of his actions, both of which corroborated his testimony at the due process trial. Interestingly, USD 470’s computer expert found a total of FIVE porn hits on the librarian’s THREE year old computer.”

Anonymous Patron writes “If you want further information on the (AP) story about the Kansas librarian suing for $500,000, visit the website: Yes, he should have gotten written permision–too trusting after 25 years as the HS librarian. He verbally notified his building principal and the district library chairperson of his actions, both of which corroborated his testimony at the due process trial. Interestingly, USD 470’s computer expert found a total of FIVE porn hits on the librarian’s THREE year old computer.”Author’s note: Although the domain is owned and operated by Robert Hicks (the librarian, now civil suit plaintiff), the website contains extensive links to court documents and external news reports on the events.