KY Historian, Savior of State’s History, Turns 100

I came across this interesting little story about Thomas Clark, a Kentucky historian and advocate for education who turned 100 this week. In 1990, he was declared the state\’s hisorian laureate for life due to a multitude of contributions in preserving the state\’s history. Some of his accomplishments include \”stopping the state librarian from selling truckloads of state records as scrap back in 1936, convincing the Kentucky state legislature to establish a state archive and almost single-handedly building the special documents collection at the University of KY Library.\” He has some pretty interesting thoughts on politics, education and the preservation of history. As one individual puts it, \”Many historians realize the need to preserve records, but Dr. Clark did something. \”He did not sit in a comfortable office at UK, resting on his considerable laurels, but instead went out and fought the hard, dirty fights to preserve the state\’s past in secure facilities.\” Read More Here.