Jon Scieszka’s Efforts to Get Boys to Read

gsandler writes Here
is a USA Today interview with Jon Scieszka
about his new book, Guys Write for GUYS READ. "Whatever the reason, boys don’t seem to read as much as — or as well as — girls. Even when they’re young, girls read more proficiently, recent national figures show. The problem gets worse as kids get older.
Hoping to “make some noise for boys,” popular children’s author Jon Scieszka in 2002 began asking teachers, librarians and others to suggest titles of books that “boys really like.”
His non-profit literacy initiative began posting them to the quirky GUYS READ Web site. Now Scieszka, co-creator of The Stinky Cheese
Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, has collected 91 humorous stories and illustrations by male authors in a new book, Guys Write for GUYS READ. Book profits benefit the Web site."