John McCain’s War On Blogs

Kelly writes “Senator McCain from Arizona doesn’t like blogs. That’s made clear in this article blogs/ And he’s doing something about it: proposing legislation that will have the effect of shutting down many or perhaps most blogs.

One effect of this legislation, were it to pass, that would be of particular interest to librarians, is expressed in this quote from the article: `Social networking sites will be forced to take `effective measures, such as deleting user profiles, to remove any website that is `associated’ with a sex offender. Sites may include not only Facebook and MySpace, but also, which permits author profiles and personal lists.’ The article comments, ‘When he introduced his legislation to the Senate, McCain offered no evidence that children are being victimized by people who post comments on blogs.’

In addition, McCain’s legislation would end up curtailing all free speech on blogs [perhaps here even in LISNews?], because it will hold bloggers “responsible for all activity in the comments sections and user profiles.’ And the fines against bloggers would excede that of ISPs!”