J.M. Coetzee Wins 2003 Nobel Literature Prize

News That South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee has been awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature.

The Nobel Academy’s head, Horace Engdahl, said Coetzee “in innumerable guises portrays the surprise involvement of the outsider”.

See also: Great writers who never won the Nobel, Among those considered in the running but who have died in the past few years was R.K. Narayan, of whom his friend Graham Greene once remarked that thanks to his writing he had known what it was like to be Indian.

2003 JM Coetzee

2002 Imre Kertesz

2001 VS Naipaul

2000 Gao Xingjian

1999 Günter Grass

1998 Jose Saramago

1997 Dario Fo

1996 Wislawa Szymborska

1995 Seamus Heaney

1994 Kenzaburo Oe