Internet users give ‘not-coms’ the cold shoulder

The Buffalo News is running This AP Story on the new \”not-coms\”, .aero. biz, .coop, .info, .museum, .name, and .pro (why is there no .lib in this list?).

They say many individuals, companies and groups are passing on the new domains. \”.info\” is scheduled to become active Wednesday, \”.biz\” on Oct. 1 and \”.name\” on Dec. 13. Of the 50,000 \”.info\” names registered through Aug. 27, about 60 percent came from outside the United States, 60% of .com\’s are in the US.

\”I\’ve thought about these, but I can use only so many domain names,\” Bell said. \”I do think \”.com\’ will for a long time be the first thought of.\”