Internet Librarian 2002: Navigating in Turbulent Waters

Gary Price and I spoke at Internet Librarian 2002: Navigating in Turbulent Waters, and I brought my trusted digital camera along for the ride. I got to spend a few days, not only with Gary, but with Jenny, and Aaron. I also said “Hi” to Marylaine, got to see Both Peters, and enjoyed the warm desert sun before returning to the cold and dark Midwest.
I don\’t have time for a long write up, but below are my pictures and comments.
Thanks to everyone for making this the best conference yet.

Gary Price and I spoke at Internet Librarian 2002: Navigating in Turbulent Waters, and I brought my trusted digital camera along for the ride. I got to spend a few days, not only with Gary, but with Jenny, and Aaron. I also said “Hi” to Marylaine, got to see Both Peters, and enjoyed the warm desert sun before returning to the cold and dark Midwest.
I don\’t have time for a long write up, but below are my pictures and comments.
Thanks to everyone for making this the best conference yet.

Note:All images are thumbnails that link to full size pictures.

This is the room we spoke in, I think it was set up to hold about 1,000 people,
and was maybe half full for our talk.
This a looking from the back to the front….


And this is looking from the stage to the crowd.


Jenny \”Shifty\” Levine and
her talk on Gadgets with Barbara Fullerton. Not a good talk to go to when
you are poor and already have gadget envy….


Peter Morville also spoke alone on IA stuff, another good talk.


Darlene Fichter gave a
nice talk on Blogging as well, but her angle was a bit different. She covered
how they can be used for knowledge management in libraries. It was a great
talk, and she had some good ideas.


The Good Peter Vs. Bad Peter talk was quite fun. They talked
about some interesting ideas for web design and answered alot of good questions.



My last night there we had a nice reception, pool side, for everyone.
Spent a few hours with Aaron , Jenny, and 2 Law Librarians from San Fransisco,
a good time was had by all, and we closed the party.


I snuck away for an hour or two to hike up the moutain that holds Palm Springs
in place. I managed to snap alot of rather uninteresting pictures, but a
few of them are worth sharing.
This is the skeleton of a dead cactus, all that was left was the spines.
You know the drought is really bad when the cactii are dying.


Another dying caturs, looked like pudding, but felt like leather.


I\’m not sure what this this is, but it had these neat little \”flowers\”. They
weren\’t actually flowers, but rather some kind of fancy leaf I think.


When hiking, the proper foot gear is essential. Rockport dress shoes are
not the proper foot gear.


A look down at Palm Springs from a few hundred feet up.


I chased this darn lizard around for about 5 minutes to get this picture.
Those things are fast!


Elevators make for funny pictures.


Shifty and Aaron try to play Ping Pong in the dark. The competition was fierce
for about an hour that night, I think The Hard Core Librarian beat us both.


Palm Springs was quite nice. I am a big fan of the desert southwest, but
had never been to Palm Springs, here\’s a few shots that take a look around.
The first two come from Peter Morville of Semantic Studios
and The Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture




