Information Specialist- a Half-Baked Librarian?

Lee Hadden writes: “There is an interesting article on an Information Specialist in baking. The
article, on the front page of the Wall Street Journal for December 30,
2003, “No, Virginia, There Isn’t a Betty Crocker; Ms. Leopold Is Close:
Novice Cooks in Distress Get Help From General Mills; The Bundt-Pan

They say Linda Leopold, the 59-year-old former home-economics teacher is the star of the team, the one who answers questions that stump her colleagues. About five years ago, she was elevated to the new role of information
specialist. This means she takes the calls that other hotline employees
can’t answer quickly. General Mills receives about 1.2 million consumer
calls, e-mails and letters a year. About 98% can be answered immediately.
Nearly all other inquiries go to Ms. Leopold, who got this job because she
was “battle tested” and was “consistently providing the right answer and
not getting flustered,” says her boss, Jeff Hagen, director of the General
Mills Consumer Services Department.
Ms. Leopold believes she got the nod because she’s fast. She holds
the department record for answering 159 calls in a 6 1/2-hour period, or
about 2 1/2 minutes a call. During the busy winter holidays, this takes up
all her time. In the off-season, she also compiles recipes and trains
hotline employees.

Read more about it at: (subscription required), or through many
library information services such as ProQuest or InfoQuest.